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Join date: Dec 16, 2021


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Taiguei! I help people connect to their ancestors.

I'm a genealogist, public educator and blogger based in Tampa, Florida. Currently i'm working on my book: Reconstructing the Missing Registro de Esclavos for Northwest Puerto Rico. ThisĀ consists of family histories for those transitioning to freedom and transcriptions of the 1868-1870 cedulasĀ (registration papers) for District 3.

My project makes visible the connections between slavery, genealogy and family histories in Puerto Rico through digitized archival materials. These resources are a means of writing our ancestors back into a historical narrative that encompasses the richness of who we are.

As service I periodically teach a genealogy class oriented towards knowing more about our AfroIndigenous ancestors, how to proceed with research and topics such as how concepts of caste, and colorism shaped archives and the past.

Seneko kakona

Please visit my website, .

Dr. Ellen Fernandez-Sacco

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