Taiguaraya Taino kuirixia (Good evening Taino pueblo), Daca Taino, Inca & Azteka, ancestrally, according to my MtDNA. My Christian name is Lillian, my Taino name is Kanarini (Vessel on sweet water that quenches thirst of others). I was born in NYC, raised up in Boriken and grew up in NJ. I am currently retired in SWFL, Charlotte County, FL.
I am a member of the UCTP (United Confederation of Taino Peoples), a member of and currently Nitaino (Member of the Council) of the Taino Ieukaieke Guainia and have been honored to participate in various Indigenous/Taino Zoom streamed Conferences, most recent December Taino Leaadership Summit and Indigenous Meetings worldwide. I am also a member of the Taino Women's Healer's Group run by Tekina Tai Pelli,the Net of Light Grandmothers, Time of the Sixth Sun and the admin of Consejo Taino D'Bimini Suroeste and SWFL Ayudando a Puerto Rico/SWFL Helping Puerto Rico groups on FB. I have been learning the Taino language.
I'm an avid researcher, history buff and advocate for the people. I am honored to be here, look forward to connecting with our Ancestral ways, with some D'itiaos and D'itus. Hahom, d'nanichi bui, seneko kakona.
A retired Teacher. BA in Education, MS in Religious/Tolerance Education.